Saturday, March 12, 2022

                            CHICKEN FRICASSEE

The Catholic Churches here make this in the summer to sell at their picnics. During

the summer of 2021 the price was $19.00 a gallon. I would rather make it!

4 or 5 lbs. chicken

2 lb. chunk bacon

3 lbs. chuck beef

3 cans cream corn

2 cans peas

3 cans tomatoes

salt and pepper to taste

1 bunch carrots ground coarsely

1 bunch celery ground coarsely

5 lbs. potatoes ground coarsely

3 lbs. onion ground coarsely

Add water as needed

Boil chicken, bacon and beef until tender in water.  Cool.  Pick meat off bones and grind

the meat coarsely.  In broth, put all ingredients and simmer for 2 or 3 hours, stirring when

needed.  Makes about 5 gallons.

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